sob., 20. apr.
Pomlad je čas, ko se iz telesa najbolje izločajo toksini, razstrupljanje telesa v tem času pa najbolj priporočljivo. Z Žigom sva prav za ta namen pripravila dihalnico, in ritual čaščenja ognja. Odvrgli bomo napetosti in toksine, ter zadihali v svetlobo.
Čas in lokacija
20. apr. 2024, 16:00 – 21:00
Koper, 6000 Koper, Slovenia
O dogodku
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DIHALNICA (tokrat bo poudarek na razstrupljanju telesa in na aktivaciji življenjske energije). Glasbena podlaga bo v živo, ritual s smolami, pa bo vsak doživel celostno in obredno, prek svoje namere.
Kdaj ? sobota 20.4 od 16.00 do 21.00 Kje ? nad Koprom, točno lokacijo dobiš ob prijavi
Kaj lahko pričakuješ? Gre za dihalno tehniko z močnimi učinki na fizični kot tudi na čustveni, mentalni in energetski ravni. Ob globokem sproščanju telesnih napetosti boste na dihalnici lahko predihali tudi svoje čustvene blokade. Zato ni nič nenavadnega, če boste med vodeno vadbo kdaj jokali, se smejali, ob olajšanju in mehkobi pa začutili živost, radost, sproščenost, umirjenost in užitek. Predznanje ni potrebno. Na vsaki dihalnici se predstavi tehnika za nove in redne/občasne dihalce/ke, tudi tisti, ki ste redni dihalci, vsakič znova dobite napotke in nasvete, kako si izboljšati tehniko, glede na vaše trenutno stanje in razpoloženje!
Učinki dihalnice: • sprostitev telesa in uma, • dvig razpoloženja, • dvig energije • povečanje kapacitete pljuč, • krepitev imunskega sistema, • svež videz, • občutek živosti, • čuječnost, • razstrupljanje telesa • izboljšanje spomina in koncentracije, • kreativnost, • boljša samopodoba, • povečanje libida, • uravnavanje hormonov (PMS itd.) • antidepresivno delovanje, • odklepanje telesa na fizični, mentalni, čustveni in energetski ravni • dinamična meditacija (občutek enosti)
Ritual čaščenja ognja Ognjeni krog je obred, kjer se spravljamo nazaj v red. Kozmično-božanski. Kurimo vse staro, kar nam ne služi več, nalagamo nova, zdrava in trda polena, da lahko z njimi gradimo trde temelje na katerih stojimo. Ogenj nas bo obdaroval z mnogimi darili, prav tako bomo tudi mi njega.
Ognjenj krog je za vse, ki začutite v sebi, da rabite toplino ognja, družbo, glasbo narave in želite podpreti Mamo Zemljo skozi ritual petja manter. Nekaj dni pred obredom se povežemo s svojo srčno željo oz. namero. Moč namere je izjemnega pomena za naše bodoče transformacije in manifestacije. (primer: kaj si želimo spustiti, opustiti, pridobiti, obuditi, prebuditi, spremeniti,..). Čim bolj bo namera jasna, bolje bo za vas in za vse nas.
Število mest je omejeno, zato si svoje mesto rezerviraj že zdaj na: ali Podatke o plačilu vam pošljemo na mail.
Kaj potrebuješ? -joga podlogo in dekico -topla in udobna oblačila -trak ali masko za oči -prosim, da na delavnico ne prides odišavljen/a ne uporabljaj močnih parfumov! -prigrizek in steklenico vode
*v primeru slabega vremena, vam denar v celoti vrnemo, ali pa prenesemo na naslednjo dihalnico.
What can you expect?
Neurotransformative breathing is a technique with powerful effects on the physical , emotional, mental, and energetic levels. With the deep release of body tension, you will also be able to release your emotional blockages during the breathwork. Therefore, it is nothing unusual if you cry, laugh, and feel liveliness, joy, relaxation, calmness, and pleasure during the guided exercise. No prior knowledge is required. At every breathwork session, the technique is presented for new and occasional breathers, even those who are regular breathers will get instructions and advice on improving your technique, depending on your current state and mood!
Effects: • relaxation of body and mind, • upliftment of mood, • increase in energy • increase in lung capacity, • strengthening the immune system, • fresh look, • feeling alive, • alertness, • detoxification of the body • improving memory and concentration, • creativity, • better self-esteem, • increase in libido, • regulating hormones (PMS, etc.) • antidepressant effect, • unlocking the body on a physical, mental, emotional, and energetic level • dynamic meditation (feeling of oneness)
What do you need? - light and comfortable clothes (you can sweat, so bring clothes for before and after practice) - blindfold or eye mask - blanket - please do not come to the breathwork practice wearing perfume and do not use strong synthetic deodorants.
Each breathwork session is a unique and unrepeatable experience. Come to the workshop with an empty stomach (don't eat for at least 2 hours), but after the workshop, rest and enjoy! Hydrate yourself, drink water, so the toxins that came to the surface during breathing will be washed away more easily.
Fire worship ritual The circle of fire is a ritual where we put ourselves back in order. Cosmic-divine. We burn everything old that no longer serves us, we load new, healthy, and hard logs so that we can use them to build solid foundations on which we stand. The circle of fire is for everyone who feels that they need the warmth of a fire, company, and the music of nature and want to support Mother Earth through chanting mantras. A few days before the ceremony, we connect with our heart's desire or intention. The power of intention is of utmost importance to our future transformations and manifestations. (example: what do we want to let go of, abandon, gain, revive, awaken, change,...). The clearer the intention, the better for you and for all of us.
The number of places is limited, so book your place now at: or We will send you payment information by your email. What do you need? - yoga mat and blanket - warm and comfortable clothes -strip or eye mask - please do not come to the workshop wearing perfume and do not use strong perfumes! -snack and a bottle of water *in case of bad weather, the money will be returned to you in full, or transferred to the workshop.
60,00 €+1,50 € pristojbina za storitveProdaja zaključena
0,00 €